Super Readers’ Little Monster Adventures, is a fun and innovative vocabulary controlled educational reading fluency app designed to help your child become a better reader.
Little Monster Adventures is comprised of 10 vocabulary controlled stories that are differentiated by the reading levels: End of Kinder, Middle of First, End of First, and Beginning of Second. Within each unique, interactive story, your young reader will be encouraged and supported in their new reading skill.
Reading fluency is an important component of reading that takes practice. Your child will be thoroughly engaged as they build their confidence in reading.
Common Core Standards met:
K.RF.3 – Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. c. Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does).
•Automatic word highlighting during narration
•Touch each word on a page to help struggling readers hear the word
•Animations and sound effects add a fun learning environment
•Ability to record the reader’s voice and save each page’s recording
•Stories are differentiated by reading level
•Vocabulary controlled stories
•Little Monster Adventures was created by a credentialed elementary school teacher and a toy developer